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Helping Kids Follow Jesus Together



Morning Worship Gatherings | 10:45 am
(Worship Packets will be available for kids -- packaged using proper sanitary procedures)



The 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month

We have Children's Church during the Sermon time. 
Children and the Adult Leaders will leave the sanctuary together and go to the Children's Church room which is located off of the hall to the Sanctuary. We will keep in mind social distancing and ensuring that your child is safe. Children may wear masks if they choose to do so. We recommend children wear masks until further notice but we respect each family's personal choice.
We want to focus on spreading God's love not germs!






Kids & Teens Youth Group | 6:30 pm


On Wednesday evening starting at 6:30, kids and teens meet together. We eat together (bring your own dinner or eat before you come); pray together and read God's Word together. We play silly games and share life with one another. Kids ages 3 to Seniors in High School all gathered together - connecting with God and one another.

 Greetings from your Children's ministries team.
At Calvary, your child(ren) will be loved and valued! We want our children to fall in love with the story of God so that they will want to becomelifelong Christ-followers.


On the 1st Sunday of the month, we receive Communion. We believe that none of us can truly grasp what happens during Communion - we recognize it as a means of grace - as such, children are welcome to participate in Communion.
We do serve grape juice so no worries there!


On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, children worship with their families for the first half of the Sunday gathering before being dismissed to Children’s Church (children stay in the entire service on the other Sundays). Our aim is to form our children into Christ-followers by showing them how to worship, pray, and live into the Kingdom of God.  After the worship gathering, parents/guardians may pick up their kids from the Children's Church room which is located off of the main wing to the sanctuary.  




​​​​​All of our student ministries are led by wonderful adults & students who desire to serve the Lord through their work with the children of Calvary.  Your child's safety is a priority to us. We have a 2-adult policy meaning that there are 2 adults in a room when any child is present. No adult should ever be alone with a child.  In addition, all children's workers have approved background checks and training before volunteering.

We are trained through NAZARENESAFE.


Sundays @ 10:45 am

10325 W 36th St.
Little Rock, AR 72002
(501) 225-7631

Adult Sunday School @ 9:45 am
Worship Gathering @ 10:45 am

Students Ministries
Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm

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